Encypted Messages

Here is something I was reading just now and thought it was pretty interesting.

It talks about embedding an encrypted .txt file in a jpg(few other image formats are said to work also).

I have no clue how strong the encryption actually is So don’t go trying to use it for something private and say I told you it was good.

I just found it neat thought maybe others would also

for steganoghraphy andembedding messages within in images a great tool to use is stegosuite, this tool only works on 64bit ninaries but is a great tool to do so. The only way to read the encrypted text is through a preordanded password. I think Alexis did a video on it a while back to if anyone is interested
heres the link: stegosuite

LOL. We can see many comments there as “spam”.

No you can’t because the reply they are talking about being spam was deleted.

That’s not just some random forum full of spam.

@ S1l3n7
I’ll check that out in a little while thanks for the link.

their are many more tools for steganoghraphy but my personal faverouite tools are steghide stegosuite and deepsound