How To Bruteforce A Router Login Page

How can we use bruteforce over a router login page?

Before you try this you might want to try RouterSploit to see if it can be exploited.

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Thanks a lot for such a kind informative answer. I am happy to learn more from this community. Thanks

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Now thats how you make a mute video to show how it works. I think the key is to know the web url and the http (in this case) get options. There is a GUI version as well for Hydra.

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If Hydra doesn’t work you may need a more modern webpage hack, try Hatch which also works in Windows via python. I found this tool works much better as it locks into the actual username/password and submit button.

I am glad you both appreciate it. Giving back and sharing with the community helps my growth and yours. So its a win, win.

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