Hello everyone. I have an interesting question that I hope someone can answer. Basically what I’m after is, a standard Kali or Parrot VM that you can download that comes with all the pentesting tools like metasploit…can you actually hack a Win10 64 bit box? I’m asking because I went through the cyber mentor’s online class, I follow hackersploit’s youtube videos, and there seems to be something wrong and I’m just not so sure it’s me anymore. I have two Win10 VMs and now the same but physical, on two networks and all I want to do is pivot. I have usernames / passwords. I’ve dumbed them down to accept msfvenom payloads…They just don’t want to work. My findings so far have been: a 64bit payload and listener work, but then meterpreter, getsystem, and other commands don’t seem to work. A 64bit payload and 32bit listener don’t work. A 32bit payload and listener work, commands work, but I don’t get anywhere. The commands don’t error out or stall…but they just don’t give me proper info. I’m assuming Armatige is only 32bit since I can’t get anything 64bit to work. Psexec doesn’t want to work even though the usernames / passwords are mine since I created everything. I’m just stuck. And what makes it very interesting is I never had this issue with WinXP back in the day. So I get that Win10 could be a road block because it’s different…but are Kali and Parrot with their version of metasploit also a potential road block? Am I missing something? Will this only work with the paid version of metasploit pro??? Any help would be great. Thanks.