Listeners and longevity

I have been studying CEH and Pentesting for a few months now. The question I have is when sending a Reverse Shell successfully to a system, will the LHOST always be able to run a listener and gain shell access forever? Also what isa the best method to start a listener in Kali Linux? Thank you.


yes, you need to add persistance for it,after exploiting the system. U can use “run persistance” command in metasploit or u can search for persistance module too. Another great tool for unlimited backdoor session is Vegile tool. You can download it form github. Its a post exploiting tool which help you run unlimmited session once you exploited the system sucessfully.
Hope that will help you.


Thanks for the quick reply. I have a ton of questions so I hope you don’t mind. In regards to this same topic. Do you know of any tools or methods to detect if persistence has been executed on my servers? Whats the best way to find out if they exist? Thank you again.

well if persistence has been executed then you able to connect it anytime using the tool you used for exploiting and adding persistance.