Need Help Finding a Good Interactive Python 3 shell scripting tutorial


I’m learning python & I’m looking for tutorials on “python 3 shell scripting”, most of the ones I’ve found so far are either in python 2.7 or they just all around suck. Can anybody point me in the right direction? I’m looking for an interactive python 3 shell scripting course like the one I currently have for python 3 Regex.

Thanx in Advance!!!

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Try This is what i learned from.


Good topic to bring up I have been thinking about this myself but wasn’t ready to go searching yet.

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Search for Zaid sahib on google.He has a really very good course for Python shell scripting.

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I have a lot of python books that range from just starting out to machine learning. if anyone wants them, pm me.


Trying to PM you but cant figure out how…

anyone who wants them, email me at [email protected]. the package should be named python.tar.xz The hash should be MD5 162A8F142FEA1E6774D381269CC50045

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Yo, These books are a gold mine of Python Knowledge Bro!
The Network Programming, Web Scrapping, Machine Learning, Data Science, Bayes Theorem (statistics) with Python, etc. is Just what I need. I’m pushing for my OSCP certification But I want to combine my Pen-Testing skills with Machine Learning (AI) Techniques to hopefully develop AI_Penetration_Testing Programs & Software and I also want to be able to develop IoT devices that remotely run reconnaissance, pen-tests, face recognition, etc.

Thanks A Lot Bro!!!

Oh yeah anybody out there Hacking, Learning with Python, HIT THIS MAN UP!!!

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This man is building CtOS…

The file was too big to email at once. To be sure it is all secure, I encrypted it and i’m hosting it on Still email me for the link and the key for it all. Thank you.

What is this Link for?

Python for dummies is a good book I have a ebook of it
