QuasarRAT cannot install -viruses

I saw your video of QuasarRAT but when I tried downloading it from Git, my virus scanner picks it up and starts deleting the .exe. I used this link:
Is there a way to get the exe without setting off virus alerts?
Is this normal?

It is always going to set off AntiVirus. It is completely normal. Add an exception to QuasarRAT or turn off AntiVirus and install then add an exception to the folder of QuasarRAT in your AntiVirus settings. Then post your results here.
Personally I would create a VirtualBox Windows machine and do it in that. It is up to you though.

Hello, “back again with results”, (I think I’ll trade make that one). :slight_smile:
So after some gruling registry edits, a few safe boots, I removed Symantec AV. What a pain. Good news, got the Rat to work via a VM and man that is some scary stuff what this RAT does.
Good news is Symantec doesn’t pick up the executable.

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@justhere2learn Good to hear you got it working. Keep on learning that is the tip of the iceberg.