Want to Clear Your Tracks in Pentesting?

Are you a pentester? Do you clear your tracks? If you know how to clear your tracks then perfect, but if you don’t know, you should know that. Clearing your tracks is very important and if your pick up some penetration testing books it is actually the last step to clear your tracks before submitting your report.
In past years most of the detection were made really easily from the malware that they left, which they didn’t clear. (want to know more?)

Anyways, to clear your tracks you should use some tools like “Shred”. Shred is a tool which removes your logs permanently. If you delete your logs normally, they can be recovered, but removing them with shred, will remove it permanently.
I followed HackerSploit.

Want to know more about it? = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmN3lKkjuY0&feature=youtu.be